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Right Mentality For Lasting Dominion By David Ibiyieomie

Right Mentality For Lasting Dominion By David Ibiyieomie Message Proper: - Your Mind is the GPS of your life. It determines your level of success on earth ( Proverbs 23:7) Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. -To be different is to be unconventional. - Mental Dormancy is the reason for backwardness and lack of productivity in the church. - Reading to pass exams is not Intelligence. Reading for transformation and re-information is Intelligence. -Sound reasoning brings progress. - We are created to create. We are Co- creator with God.  - It's in our hands to discover from what God has created. God created trees, man discover chairs etc from trees. - See yourself the way God sees you (Galatians 3:28) Galatians 3:28 (KJV) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. - If you see yourself with the true scrip...

The Major Ingredient For The Accomplishment Of Your Assignment

THE MAJOR INGREDIENT FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT Bible Text: *Nehemiah 4: 1* 1 When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews. 2 and in the presence of his associates and the army of Samaria, he said, “What are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day? Can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble—burned as they are?” Message Proper When men are busy in minor assignment, it can’t attract the attention of major enemies. The project in Jerusalem began in Chapter 3, but couldn’t stir their enemies to action, because they were still on the minor side of the assignment.  Hear me, the reason you haven’t seen Battles is because you are still on the minor phase of your assignment  What has not attracted Great battles has no great Mantle to prove…… We are in the age of proving the mantles we have received…… Every G...


  M essage Title: POWER OF ENDURANCE  (*Learning to Survive Needs*) Anchor Scripture: Philippians 4:11-14 Ministering: Apst. Zion DC _Pre-message_ • A seeker is one who is interested in Knowledge, one who demands for Change at all cost and all times in life. • When the People are Stagnated in Knowledge, the Church becomes Stagnated. The people makes up the Church of Christ. _Message content_ * Teach your Children how to Survive without having all the need per time. * How to make it, is to Survive when you ain’t making it, the true test of a man’s Character is where he stands when things ain’t going well. * How you behave in Failure to a large extent determine if you will succeed or not. True Success comes out from how Failure is being Handled. Every Success has it Root in Failure. *Three stages of Gods calling * 1. *Called to Minister unto God Alone*;, complete stillness in walking with God is required.( God calls many for himself, not everyone is called to minister unto the ...


Message Title THE SOUL EMPOWERS THE BODY. Anchor Scripture: HOSEA 4:6 Message Proper: • To live properly for God, you need your Body. If you must live for God in healthy service, your Body needs to be healthy. • A man who believes in life and immortality, should live as one who shouldn’t die.  —The lifestyle of men is responsible for their death, many have attracted Death through their life style. — Some people ask God for deliverance and still practice the same thing that kept them in bondage. If you believe you can’t be killed avoids what kills. —Men speaks of life and practice the paths of dead men. —How you live your life affects your body and Soul, people labor for money and loss their lives in the process. Understand also that your actions towards your Soul affects your body to a great extent, when the Soul is down, the body suffers. Hosea 4:6 6 My people are ruined because they don't know what's right or true. Because you've turned your back on knowledge, I've tu...

How To Win Battles

  Message Title HOW TO WIN BATTLES   Scripture: Gen 12:1-2, 1 Samuel 17: 25 1.Leave the Circle of your past defeats and patterns(Mindset) Gen 12:1-2 1 God told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you. 2 I'll make you a great nation and bless you. I'll make you famous; you'll be a blessing. -Leaving your Father’s House isn’t physically but by mindset. Leave behind the past, the patterns of old that stagnated your life When we speak of mindset, we are talking about how you see, think about yourself and the situation that surrounds you. -Certain battles are won by mindset even before fighting; there are things that can’t happens to you. - look, think beyond your Background, what God want to do with you, your background is too small to contain it. - Don’t be ruled by the Battles around you, focus on winning. Until you believe winning is possible you can’t win Battle, instead of been battle conscious, it’s better t...

Enemies Of Manifestation

  Message Title *MANIFESTATIONS* Anchor Scripture:   *ROMANS 8:18-25, MATTHEW 5:15* _Pre-message word Charge_ •Giving is a Gift, the ideology that only the rich should give is so wrong, everyone has something to give to God regardless of status or class. •Giving is a Spiritual Responsibility. - How to make people seed to grow in your hands is to plant it. -Giving has to become a habit, lifestyle before it can start blessing you. -To maintain financial Relevancy, open your hands to release that in it, be consistent in sacrificial Attitude. -Giving Activates Wealth. -The best giving is the type that you are lead by your Spirit to give. -Whatever God gives by revelations, he sustains by power. - Revelations are accompanied with power. _*Message content Proper*_ *Look out for the validity of God consistency. —Everything in life has its time and seasons. —Experience is a growth process. —Manifestations is the unveiling of your identity, it is Living your Full life expectancy. ...


                           *#IDENTITY_CHALLENGE* When you don't give your product a name, anyone can call it any name. Define yourself!!!   *_Who is Zion DC?_*  Look at my Life, how God has beautified me with his Glory. I'm the visible prove of Gods Glory, I'm the full totality of Gods beauty, For Nations shall call me blessed of the Lord, Races and Tribes will call to me as the Lord's Delight.   _Who are you?_ I would love to know your definition about yourself. Drop your Answers on the comment section.  * We  Await your response* Share this post with your friends and family. Let's know who they are.

Why You Are Still Poor

WHY YOU ARE STILL POOR Ministering : Apst. ZION DC                Message Proper: God doesn’t give men Money, he doesn’t have it.…… Proverbs 10:4 4 Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.  From scripture, Wealth isn’t deposited in the heavens but right here on earth, and it’s man’s responsibility to be wealthy…….. Deuteronomy 8:18  18 “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth,….. God gives men Power, men gets wealthy with the power they receive from God. A man can still have power and not be wealthy when that power isn’t well channeled to produce wealth… What then is this power? Let’s find out. When scriptures speaks of POWER.  it emphasizes on Enablement, Empowerment… Power speaks of channels to get wealth. The power to make wealth speaks of the channel to make wealth…. *( THE OPPORTUNITIES TO MAKE WEALTH )*   18 “And you shall remember the LORD your Go...

That Friend That Kills Better Than An Enemy

  Topic:  THAT FRIEND THAT KILLS BETTER THAN AN ENEMY. Text:  Matt 26:14-16 Ministering:  ZION DC Message Proper: While you are so busy pursuing enemies, pay close attention to your limit with friends. The bite of an enemy isn’t as painful as the bite of a trusted friend. While you focus on external attacks, also know that those who are inside could be more deadly to your life and destiny. When battles are over, we will weigh the force of our enemies and the silence of our friend. Friends who are silent in your season of pains are dangerous than those who causes your pain. Silence in the season of battles, prolongs the Battle. Any friend not bounded to the good and bad times isn’t friendship… An opportunist stays at the good times, and disappears at the bad times. Note this advice ; - Don’t waste peoples time if you can’t stay with them in their season of trials, don’t make people trust you with their life, if you won’t value their season of pains. -everyone in life ...

Go For Light Daily

  Take note of this scripture, the dimension of God contained in a scriptural context describes the possibility that can be accessed… You can’t access the dimension of Fatherhood in God from a revelation of his dimension as Priest. So if possibilities of a thing must be accessed it must be through the cocoon of that revelation that sponsors such dimensions. Lets dwell on this scripture briefly.. James 1: 17 17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights,  with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Lesson one; Now note that For there to be perfect gifts, the imperfect is also available, it means that not every gift is from God, that it’s a precious gift doesn’t mean it came from God, satan also gifts men with supernatural dimensions not of God. but on the conditions of Scriptures, if it must be perfect (divine) and good then it must be from God(Source of divinity)… Lesson two; The dimension of God res...


Message: DIVINE COVENANT PRACTICES THAT SPONSORS THE DOMINANCE OF MEN ON THE EARTH REALM Ministering - Apst. Zion DC ( The Presiding Priest of  PRIESTLY ADDICTS MINISTRIES Message Proper: And as he surmoned me, he began to speak to me by scriptural Revelations and deep Truth as Concerning the value of Covenant Practices in the earth Realm. These practices are vital for our establishment on the earth not even because of the heavens, but that the earth may yield her increase. It is covenanting your Earth to the Lord, an earth that isn’t covenanted with walk against you. Covenant keeps the earth in check by the heavens. Covenant practices gives a man legal grounds and positive rules of engagement over the manipulative earth. Also read----  Lighted To Shine (Complete Series) By reason of satanic influences, the earth of men have be poisoned to manipulate destinies, until it is covenanted, it can’t work in your Favor for the release of your Blessings. I know you have millions of...

Lighted To Shine (Complete Series)

LIGHTED TO SHINE (COMPLETE SERIES) Message: LIGHTED TO SHINE(PT 1) Anchor scripture: Matthew 5:16, Gen 1:2-4). Ministering: ZionDC Gen 1:2-4 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3   Then God said,  “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was  good; and God divided the light from the darkness. Understand that the need for light was the present of darkness, light didn’t come as as one of the options to darkness but the only solution to darkness So do you notice that the Holy Spirit was moving around without result, without impact, understand that this is the Spirit of Power. (Acts 1:8) So in the absence of light, Power has no effect, Jesus came to his disciples as light, they carried so much light, after which power came. (Talk about our generation) —Light means Gods Glory —Shining means to Manifest/ to have ...