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The Major Ingredient For The Accomplishment Of Your Assignment


Bible Text:

*Nehemiah 4: 1*

1 When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews.

2 and in the presence of his associates and the army of Samaria, he said, “What are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day? Can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble—burned as they are?”

Message Proper

When men are busy in minor assignment, it can’t attract the attention of major enemies.

The project in Jerusalem began in Chapter 3, but couldn’t stir their enemies to action, because they were still on the minor side of the assignment. 

Hear me, the reason you haven’t seen Battles is because you are still on the minor phase of your assignment

 What has not attracted Great battles has no great Mantle to prove

We are in the age of proving the mantles we have received

Every Great Shepherd is a trained fighter, trained by the council and life style of ELOHIM.

The mantle in the hand of the Shepherd isn’t just for leadership but for rulership

 Ps 110;2

2  The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength  out of Zion.     Rule in the midst of Your enemies! 

Rulership can’t be intact if the enemies are absentâ€ŠđŸ”„đŸ”„

 Enemies and Battles proves rulership, followers proves leadership

Enemies are not meant to be lead, they are meant to be ruled over

 Minor assignments in destiny can only attract the attention of enemies, major assignments attracts the stirred actions of enemies.

 Pity men who have no Battle Mindset

God knew the Devil was thrown to the earth yet formed man to Dominate on the earth

Dominion is a Battle Language.

You can’t Dominate what you can’t conquer, and you can’t Conquer outside the patterns of Battles

The death of Jesus on the Cross was not a show it was a style of Battle, but by Blood, the battle of the Cross so that men can Cross over

The mysteries of the death of Jesus on the cross was a prophetic language of Battle to deliver mankind


The moment a man step into the major phase of his assignment, major enemies shows up

 Greater levels invokes greater devils

When the advancement of the process doesn’t advance your enemies, it’s a random motion of destiny

From this scripture; Every Great walls attracts great wroth

Battles comes to taste capacity

 Capacity defines your Authority, rulership is a function of Authority.

 Men will always misjudge your abilities by the minor phase of destiny, this is so true, but that’s not your current definitions

 In chapter 2, their enemies Disvalued their abilities, but what came afterwards was a shocker

Whoever has concluded your defeat, will bow at your victory, in the name of Jesus

Everyone who has mocked you didn’t know you have left where you use to be, by the Rod of power, your latest identity will prove your God to them, in the name of Jesus

 It is good when enemies act in ignorance of your yesterday


Your today and TOMORROW will put shame on their faces

Someone here will glow in testimonies in the name of Jesus

When people rate your outcome by your past mistakes, don’t argue to prove a point, be silent to prove the end result

Boys proves points, men of capacity proves Results.

Their enemies concluded the outcome of theirs results by judging their past. They called them feeble and weak, they didn’t know that what they faced In the minor stage of their lives made them strong

 Where your enemies felt you are casted down, that will be the point where your lifting begins in the name of Jesus

 Just as the questioned them; will they fortify themselves, will they sacrifice, will the revive the stones out of the rubbish which was burned
. My God what humiliating statements
.. But I tell you those questions are not yours to reply, the God behind your success will reply them with his kind of proves.

Hear me well! Not every question is meant to be answered by you!!!!!

Learn to keep quiet, give your God space and time to talk on your behalf, while men reply vocally, God replies shockingly

“Even a fox will destroy the wall, they say”
.. Haha, they will wait for your down fall and fall down
 Because they last time you fell was the last time you would ever fall


Nehemiah understood his level and Gods level

Any enemy bigger than you isn’t your responsibility, it’s the responsibility of your bigger God

God won’t fight a battle you are capable of fighting, and God doesn’t expect you to fight his battles 

In verse 4, Nehemiah handled the matter to God and continued his work

Hahahahahahahaha. He knew that informing his God is the conclusion of the whole matter.

His own was to continue the work commissioned to him, and update God on matters arising

 Hand your matters to God and continue in that assignment

It has already being written concerning you that you can’t fail again

The last spot you fell, that was the same spot men left you, but God came through,,,,,

Men must leave you for God to come through for you

No man on earth has the capacity to kill your destiny, who can say a thing and it comes to past when God has not commanded

Ahhh hahahaha!!!!!!

You can win, even when the world is against you. With the word you can Rule the World

They believe In their armies, Chariots and horses, but we believe in a name that is above all other names that was named. For all that was named took life from his name.

Those who mocked you will never see you in the same spot the left you facing down

You will win against all Odds, if Hell and the Grave could not stop a dead and buried Jesus, no one can stop the resurrected and living Jesus incubated in you.

That’s how weak and powerless the Grave was, that it lacked capacity to host even the dead, haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

How much more the living?

The grave is powerless, there is no victory in and for the Grave

 I pray for you, be supernaturally charged for victory in the name of Jesus.

God will prove his worth in your life in this new level, in the name of Jesus

 God bless you.

ZionDC is the priest behind the Altar of PRIESTLY ADDICT MINISTRIES

Join Priestly Addicts Ministries  WhatsApp Group today and be part of What God is doing there. I see you excelling in all your endeavors. God bless 

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