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Anchor Scripture: HOSEA 4:6

Message Proper:

• To live properly for God, you need your Body. If you must live for God in healthy service, your Body needs to be healthy.

• A man who believes in life and immortality, should live as one who shouldn’t die. 

—The lifestyle of men is responsible for their death, many have attracted Death through their life style.

— Some people ask God for deliverance and still practice the same thing that kept them in bondage. If you believe you can’t be killed avoids what kills.

—Men speaks of life and practice the paths of dead men.

—How you live your life affects your body and Soul, people labor for money and loss their lives in the process.

Understand also that your actions towards your Soul affects your body to a great extent, when the Soul is down, the body suffers.

Hosea 4:6

6 My people are ruined because they don't know what's right or true. Because you've turned your back on knowledge, I've turned my back on you priests. Because you refuse to recognize the revelation of God, I'm no longer recognizing your children.

—So what makes the body to be ruined is lack of knowledge in the Soul. When the Soul is feeding continuously with knowledge, the body is strengthened.

—The food of the body can’t completely sustain the Body, Rather the food of the soul sustains the Body.

—Transformation can only occur in the body only when the Soul is renewed by Knowledge.

(Romans 12:2)

2 …….but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, ….

—Therefore the (light)knowledge of Gods word in our Soul enlightens our Bodies. Darkness in the soul, strengthens weakness and death in The body.

—If you really want your body to be free from afflictions, then you must consistently feed the Soul on Gods word. When the Soul is void of the word, attacks on the body becomes consistent.

— The deliverance of the soul is the word of God inside of it. Until the soul is delivered, the body will remain under satanic bondage.  

—Light(knowledge) makes us know those things that can’t happen to us. Afflictions will always come to where men have being captured in Darkness.

—Satan can't afflict a man surrounded by light, light repels satanic pollution's set to affect the body.

—light is a defense against demonic impurities, when a man soul is locked out of Light, they face oppressions.

—when Satan wants to strike the bodies of men with sickness and death, he blocks their access to light. Anytime a man rejects knowledge, he remains in darkness.

— God has no part with foolish men, when you refuse to be wise through Knowledge if his word, that one suffers rejections.

Ps 82:5

5 They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; …….

—Help out of darkness can come from Directional knowledge.

—nothing under the heavens is powerful enough to kill a man, not even disease, any man who dies died out of lack of knowing(ignorance).

Ignorance kills men, other means by which people die are mere means not the cause of the dead, ignorance is the cause of every death.

Practicing Spiritual works without soul works will never yield resources.

—We live from the Soul that why the soul will be judged at last to weigh her works through the body.

Righteousness is justified by the posture of your Soul, there is a conscience within the soul that justifies our actions be it good nor bad.

Every man can live right, only when he can pay attention to the requirements for the growth of their soul. 

People due to lack of proper knowledge misinterpret Soul activity as Spiritual activity( this will be a teaching for another day)

Soulish works are;



- praying the Word.

(Prayer isn’t just for communication to God, we pray as also to discipline our prayer lifestyle.)

*Zion DC teachings*

God bless us all


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