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Message Title:


(*Learning to Survive Needs*)

Anchor Scripture: Philippians 4:11-14

Ministering: Apst. Zion DC


• A seeker is one who is interested in Knowledge, one who demands for Change at all cost and all times in life.

• When the People are Stagnated in Knowledge, the Church becomes Stagnated. The people makes up the Church of Christ.

_Message content_

* Teach your Children how to Survive without having all the need per time.

* How to make it, is to Survive when you ain’t making it, the true test of a man’s Character is where he stands when things ain’t going well.

* How you behave in Failure to a large extent determine if you will succeed or not. True Success comes out from how Failure is being Handled.

Every Success has it Root in Failure.

*Three stages of Gods calling *

1. *Called to Minister unto God Alone*;, complete stillness in walking with God is required.( God calls many for himself, not everyone is called to minister unto the people)

2. *Called to Minister unto his sent ministers*; to be a great Prophet Samuel, you must minister before Eli.

Until God endorse your service to his sent servants, he can’t send you.

3. *Called to minister unto his People*; this is the last stage of the calling, most people take this as their beginning platform in ministry, which is totally wrong.( not everyone is called to minister unto the People).

My Emphasis will be on the second stage/Type of calling 

Called to minister unto his sent Ministers.

Beloved God endorse men by reason of fulfilled responsibilities carried out within the Circle of calling in Ministry.

Understand that being called isn’t to minister unto the people first, God first calls men unto himself for himself alone, then he calls them to minister unto his sent Ministers.

To be called isn’t same as to be sent, that David was Anointed King is a prove his assignment needed him to serve before kings.

Greatness is footing the path of the Great.

To be Anointed is a great test towards ascending the Throne. That anointing isn’t for ascending the Throne, it was meant to find your way from the bush to the palace.

Loyalty isn’t to the wearer of the Crown but to the Crown. David couldn’t kill Saul because he understood his Loyalty wasn’t to Saul but to the God that enthroned Saul.

Let’s look at this scripture:

7 ………Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don't get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you're going.

8 And don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going; then you'll succeed.

Now Joshua took over from Moses, but God instructed Joshua to pay attention to the Revelation of Moses first then in the next verse he said pay attention now to the book of the Revelation;

Understand that The Revelations of your sent prophet gives you access to deeper Revelations from Gods word. There is something Joshua must understand about the instructions of Moses to fit into Gods instructions for him.

You can’t Obey Gods word, when you disobey his word through your Prophet. He has to teach prophet Samuel how to first understand the Voice of ELI, he might be rejected, but his experience with God is valid.

The life and systems of God are in lineage, you can’t create your own channel, just get connected. 

God can’t teach you what he has empowered your teachers to teach you, sending you to men to be taught is God instructing you but in a different pattern……

There are certain things God can’t teach you until you have obtained certain Spiritual Clearance, by sitting under the instructions from his sent ministers.

I’m ZionDC

_Ephesians 4:28(MSG)_

28 Did you used to make ends meet by stealing? Well, no more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can't work.

_Zech 5:3-4_

3 He told me, "This book is the verdict going out worldwide against thieves and liars. The first half of the book disposes of everyone who steals; the second half takes care of everyone who lies.

4 I launched it"—Decree of God-of-the-Angel-Armies—"and so it will fly into the house of every thief and every liar. It will land in each house and tear it down, timbers and stones."

—To avoid stealing and Borrowing, be comfortable with what you have at hand, don’t plan or live beyond what you have at the moment.

Plan your life around what is available while hoping for a better future ahead.

—Don’t focus your attention in another man’s possession, how people make their money doesn’t concern you, focus on how to make Yours.

—Life can’t give you all you need, learn to manage your portion per time. Be proud of what you have, it’s your best for that season. cherish your best, the better is still to come.

—What God gives you per time is okay for you, knowing how to manage it and being grateful will provoke the next harvest.

—Don’t want what people have, you don’t need what you can’t tell it source.

—A lier is same as a thief, build trust, trust built sustains profitable Relationships with God and men……..

You don’t decide when your tenure is over, there is a system of truth and equity that Justifies your works and qualifications for the next level….

Any stage you abort by reason of self desire, emotions and thought patterns, you will repeat that season by reason of destiny necessity…..

Stop ruling yourself and allow God rule through you.

God bless us all

Join Priestly Addicts Ministries WhatsApp Group today and be part of What God is doing there. I see you excelling in all your endeavors. God bless 

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