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Enemies Of Manifestation


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Anchor Scripture:  *ROMANS 8:18-25, MATTHEW 5:15*

_Pre-message word Charge_

•Giving is a Gift, the ideology that only the rich should give is so wrong, everyone has something to give to God regardless of status or class.

•Giving is a Spiritual Responsibility.

- How to make people seed to grow in your hands is to plant it.

-Giving has to become a habit, lifestyle before it can start blessing you.

-To maintain financial Relevancy, open your hands to release that in it, be consistent in sacrificial Attitude.

-Giving Activates Wealth.

-The best giving is the type that you are lead by your Spirit to give.

-Whatever God gives by revelations, he sustains by power.

- Revelations are accompanied with power.

_*Message content Proper*_

*Look out for the validity of God consistency.

—Everything in life has its time and seasons.

—Experience is a growth process.

—Manifestations is the unveiling of your identity, it is Living your Full life expectancy.

—Anything less than what I should be, is not acceptable.

—God expects the investments in us to produce Bountifully.

—Manifestation is revealing your right capacity.

Matt 5:15

-A man can be gifted and anointed but still covered.

-A burning Fire can’t be covered for too long.

-Don’t stay under a Fire extinguisher, be connected to a Charging Source.

-Not to manifest is to kill the expectations of Nations

(Selling ones body is reducing one’s self worth and Values.


1. Low self esteem

-When you don’t call your product a name, you have licensed men to call it anything they feel.

-The thing you value are those things you got by your self choice, no man’s choice suits you better than yours in the discipline of manifestations.

-Low self-esteem, poverty mentality is never humility.

-Be quick to remind men how to treat you, if not they will be too fast to mistreat you by their opinions.

-Disconnect from men who disvalues you, reduces your life because they are helping you. If by helping me, you reduce me, keep your help from me.

-When you allow people look down on you, you begin to look down on yourself.

-Don’t marry until you have discovered yourself, if you haven’t discovered yourself , you can’t define what suits you.

-Low self esteem kills manifestation.

2. Connection to Evil Roots;

-Two kinds of people that comes to you for marriage, one is either from your past and the other from your future.

-Only stupid people marry for Love, the heart predictions can be deceptive.

-Destiny is not emotional, don’t trust your emotions while making destiny decisions.

-Divinity, supernatural and the natural doesn’t operate by emotionality.

-Depend on God totally for your Choice in Life.

3. Comfort Zone;

-To enjoy pleasure, learn to adapt under pressure.

-The best way to increase is to compete with your present to be better for tomorrow, competition against men reduces your worth.

-Been restless breaks men out of the chains of Comfort Zone.

-Deliberate efforts sponsors breakthrough. A drowning man, without shouting for help, will die while the people around him may feel he is enjoying himself in swimming.

4. Locate men who has passed through the path you are about to pass;

-Refuse to share your problems with the wrong people, wrong people complicate the Journey of your life.

-It takes a man who is futuristic to lift others.

_ZionDC Teachings_

God bless us all

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