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Ministering - Apst. Zion DC( The Presiding Priest of  PRIESTLY ADDICTS MINISTRIES

Message Proper:

And as he surmoned me, he began to speak to me by scriptural Revelations and deep Truth as Concerning the value of Covenant Practices in the earth Realm.

These practices are vital for our establishment on the earth not even because of the heavens, but that the earth may yield her increase.

It is covenanting your Earth to the Lord, an earth that isn’t covenanted with walk against you.

Covenant keeps the earth in check by the heavens.

Covenant practices gives a man legal grounds and positive rules of engagement over the manipulative earth.

Also read---- Lighted To Shine (Complete Series)

By reason of satanic influences, the earth of men have be poisoned to manipulate destinies, until it is covenanted, it can’t work in your Favor for the release of your Blessings.

I know you have millions of excuses for not meeting up, I also do…. But we must stand firm.

Satan isn’t happy when a man’s earth is covenanted either financially, maritally, and otherwise, because his only access to that man is the corrupted earth, that’s his spiritual channel of manipulations.

The Fathers of Old as remote as they were, they knew this reality in the supernatural, most practiced covenant to strange Altars for years, even in their Absence, those Altar are highly functional……

Continue covenanted practice towards God over times makes that Practice an Altar towards God, that not only you but those around you becomes beneficiaries of your Covenant dividend from God.That’s the more reason satan attacks consistency in covenanted practice towards the work and prophet of God.

He tends to make you feel things are so tight that you can’t meet up, at this point your dedication and commitment should keep you moving……

A man who engages in covenant practises can’t be accessible by the devil.

So covenant practices is handing over an area of your life or entire life to God, by committing substantial point of contact to his Altar or priest.

So many have destroyed themselves by eating what is meant for God to secure the future harvest.

If you must function appropriately in Covenant Practice, you have to be disciplined in what you should eat and what God should eat, what should be spent for your personal use and what should be spent on the affairs of God and his servant.

Be disciplined to know which is the seed, and which is the harvest, men who have eaten their spiritual seed have no future Harvest, so enough struggles sets in.

One great deception the devil has used in fooling men is, take care of yourself, you need it more than God needs it, can’t you see your priest is doing okay, he should be the one giving to you.

Beloved, what gives a man life, is required to keep sustaining his life.

The day he stops breathing, he stops living, the same with covenant practice, the day you stop it, get ready for causalities. You automatically have told the protector to keep off.

Every covenant practices is renewed timely to invoke the covenant agreements to your favour.

COVENANT PRACTICE IS NOT DOING BIG THINGS FOR GOD. It is doing small things consistently for God in a commitment way.

When it come to Covenant practice, every man have their size, God doesn’t expect you to go beyond your size, he wants you to start from the point where you currently are faithfully and grow in his Favour into a greater level.

Inasmuch God doesn’t expect you to engage in Covenant Practice above your level, he also doesn’t regard any covenant agreement below your current level.

You may also like to read this---  Life And Who You Are

Be sincere in covenant with God at your level, you can increase your agreement with him as he increase you.

The Strength of every Covenant practise is the Consistency….not the Size.

Gods Power and immortal attention is introduces in act of consistency.

Write this down for your Children

Your consistency in little things establishes a Godly pattern and Altar, which becomes a portal for God to access you.

Men always seek to access God, but what many haven’t understood is this truth;

When a man is established in Covenant Practice,  it is God that seeks to access him( just like Solomon).It’s much better when God seeks to access you than when you seek to access him…

How can I engage in covenant Practice?

1. Take Spiritual Responsibility to his work and his priest.(Financially, Human effort etc.)

Responsibility is a covenant Access to the throne of God.

2. Offering dedicated and committed Service.

Service done in the fear of God, consistently and committedly opens God to you as a covenant.

There is something you can take responsibility for providing, God has to use you to solve certain earthly needs in his work and the life of his priests, what a privilege to behold.

Right Now, Begin to ask yourself, how functional am I in taking little responsibilities as concerning Gods agenda……..

Many people have made covenanted service to God as a burden of carrying problems, that’s not right.

Simply find what you can be functional at and hold on to it in consistency and commitment.


Lord help us to know and respond to responsibilities as a Covenant Practice for your Kingdom and your Levite.

Lord grant us the peace of mind and diligent hearts to willingly submit to Covenant practice in the name of Jesus. AMEN!!!!

God bless us all

And Happy new month…

It’s your month of express testimonies at all cost in the name of Jesus. 


  1. Do well to ask your questions (if any). It will be channelled directly to the Teacher (Apst.Zion DC

    1. Odimegwu IFEYINWA3:16 PM

      Thank you for sharing💫✨🌟


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