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 The three most important days in our lives are the day we where born, the day we discover why, and the day we discover who we are.

Your life journey follows the pathway of a road. No matter how it looks, you must follow it. it is designed for you and you alone. it is your pathway and it leads only to your future. How to make the journey a successful one is a choice that only you can make. 

Everything about you, including your education and it's challenges, must follow this road.

Listen, for you to be successful, you have to keep up, and focus ahead... until you reach your dreams. 

The reason why nobody seems to keep in sight is because you are the only person to discover it. The whole world is watching and hopefully waiting for you to go through. Do not disappoint them. Always remember that when you finally go through it successfully, everybody will not only celebrate you, but also follow your lead. Ride on.

Who are you?

One very simple question people find very difficult to answer is the question... Who are you?

What is your idea of who you are? Is who you are just Ade, Mercy,Sule or any other name you are called? Well,there is something about you that transcends the simple name they call you on daily basis. A name is a deserved pride, but only when it is represented beyond it's sound and letter value.

Who are you, is a thing of internal you!

Your real identity is a question whose answer could only be discovered by no other person but you. it is a function of your choice. Many youths believe that they are what their parents, or even what their environment present to them. Truly, those are false images of who you really are.

External influence can only serve as a landmark in the line drive of who you are. I must inform you that when you believe you are who circumstances present to you, you case clearly needs emergency response knowledge. You actually need to be re-introduced to your real self. 

The real knowledge of who you are is only yours to discover. It is only yours, and nobody's. Even my humble self would be committing a Crime against nature if I tell you that this or that is who you are. Giving you an image will be giving you something that is lesser who you really are. The only thing I can do is to help you discover who you really are -- if you are yet to.

One truth I must tell you is that you cannot become another person.you must become your self,or nothing else... your age and environment notwithstanding. You cannot become Barrack Obama, Bill Gates, your father, your mother, your teacher, your role model or even any other outstanding personality that have earned your admiration.

There can never be another you!

You are the handiwork of a great God, and you are specially created. You are the only you in the history of the world. There has never been another you. There is never another you anywhere else, and there will never be, until the end of time.

What is it that you want? Is it education,stardom,wealth, power, knowledge, influence etc? Whatever it is that you want is imbued in you right from when you where in the womb. God made you for a great reason.

You are who you are for a reason

You are part of an intricate plan

You are a perfect and precious unique design called God's special woman or man

You look like you look for a reason

Our God made no mistake

He knit you together within the womb

You are what he wanted to make

The parents you have where the one he chose

And no matter how you may feel

They were custom-designed with God's plan in mind, and they had the master's seal

No, that trauma you faced was not easy

And God wept that it hurt you so

But it was allowed to shape your heart

So that into his likeness you'd grow

You are who you are for a reason

You have been formed by the master's rod

You are who you are, beloved because there is a God

Russell Kelfer

Your great future is real. You can never miss it unless you refuse to meet It. please don't allow anyone or anything to prevent you from meeting your success.

You are not just a picture in this world that anyone can glance at and forget. You are a future star 🌟 that shall shine amongs many stars. No matter your environment and the circumstances around you, you can be relevant and indispensable to your generation.

Go to the mirror and take a good look at yourself. Whatever you see is who you are.it is not your face that looks back at you, but the personality behind that face. That is the person you must discover and become.

Whatever or whoever you are to become is one with outstanding potentials."He or she must be the best..." This line that the word "best" qualifies is who you are. You are the only person that can replace it with who you are. The only guide I can leave you with is that whatever that is to replace the line,must be qualified by the word "Best".

Ahead of you might be unfavorable conditions. Your parents,if they are there, might be financially incapable of giving you all you need. You might be facing one disability or the order. In fact, you life might be cornered by challenges. Whatever they might be,they are there to push you up, not down. They are there to make you the best you are to become.

No matter the challenges you are facing, the special you cannot be altered. But it must be discovered by you before it can take it's rightful place in the world. No wonder St Augustine said"who we are is God's gift to us, but who we become is our gift to God.

To face your education and it's challenges, to be of any importance to yourself and to take your rightful place in this world, you must discover who you really are.




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