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That Friend That Kills Better Than An Enemy



Text: Matt 26:14-16

Ministering: ZION DC

Message Proper:

While you are so busy pursuing enemies, pay close attention to your limit with friends.

The bite of an enemy isn’t as painful as the bite of a trusted friend.

While you focus on external attacks, also know that those who are inside could be more deadly to your life and destiny.

When battles are over, we will weigh the force of our enemies and the silence of our friend.

Friends who are silent in your season of pains are dangerous than those who causes your pain. Silence in the season of battles, prolongs the Battle.

Any friend not bounded to the good and bad times isn’t friendship…

An opportunist stays at the good times, and disappears at the bad times.

Note this advice;

-Don’t waste peoples time if you can’t stay with them in their season of trials, don’t make people trust you with their life, if you won’t value their season of pains.

-everyone in life has a down time, no man is without a stain.

Using the dark seasons of people life to check your position in their life, is the thought of a traitor.

You can’t measure the possibilities of peoples life by mere bad times.

When you can’t stand with a man in his season of Challenge, Avoid getting close to them, before you get close to men ask this question; can I stand with him in the face of his challenges, this also applies of relationship.

“You see Battles filter the true intent of the heart of those around you”

Anyone who isn’t for you, can’t fight in your advantage your kind of battles.

True friends withstand the pressure of war with you even when it can kill

Jesus calls his disciples friends because they were committed to his life mandate. They valued the purpose of his existence.

When men don’t place great value on the purpose of your existence, cut them off without apologies.

You don’t need proves to remain with men, all you need to do, is to see that fight as your fight.

When you mock a man going through apostolic process of Battles……..you will eventually be consumed of a greater dimension of what he conquered….

Be careful who you mock by reason of the past

When enemies search for opportunities to kill and destroy you, what they seek is your mistakes…

Enemies gets hold of your flaw through friends that understand your errors.

The greatest gift God can give a man isn’t the gift of men, but the gift of standing men in the mist of the storms

Matt 26: 14-16

14   Then one of the twelve, called  Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests

15 and said,  “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver.

16 So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him.

No enemy is capable to find the life of a stranger….

If an enemy is after your life, he sort your friend who could sell you out.

While you his from your enemies, create a demarcation between you and your friends…

Loyal friends exchange their lives for yours in the season of trial

I can assure you, you are currently standing alone even in the mist of the crowds that surrounds you.

I’m ZionDC, I have learnt life the hard way, and I tell you, it’s safer to go to war alone than to go with friends whose intents is to sell you cheaply before the pains and sufferings of life

It’s one with God that is majority not one with multitude.

I have come to this understanding that Men with crowd dies faster, Without principled precautions

 If at any point you were sold out, the access the enemy had towards you was a friend who eats with you on the Table, who knows how and when you eat.

Judas ate with Jesus, he was cared for by Jesus….. yet he had no intention to betrayed Jesus but those with the intention got to Jesus through him.

Fear friend more than how you fear your enemies

 What has always killed great men succeeded because it slipped through their most loyal subjects……

Life as taught be to be more Strictly decisive than emotional…

When you lower you defenses you are slowly attracting death….

Enemies are more loyal than friend…. An enemy can’t betray what he doesn’t understand, Betrayal comes from those you gave trusted access

 I know of several great kings whose life were ended by those they gave access to their bed chambers

In Mark 14: 40-42, 

A friend uses why should be a sign of Love as a symbol of betrayal.

Before you trust people to give them a spot in your life; test them, keep testing them and yet don’t trust them.

Always expect the worst from those that seems loyal to you, it will keep you on guide

 It’s even more better to trust enemies than to trust friends…..Because the intentions of an enemy is clearly known, but that of a friend is concealed…..

You can only trust whatever that is opened to you….

Trust isn’t built on secrecy….

Listen and be wise….

Whoever rejects you In your season of Battles, don’t deserve access into your life when the Battle is over

 The rating of mens worth to your life is weigh by the sacrifice they stake as value for your life. 

Enemies gives gifts but can’t make sacrifice……..

Only true friends offer valid sacrifice.

The level of relevance placed on men is dependent on their sacrifice at the cost of life….


Life is in season, to enjoy the best out of life, live your life in phase and seasons…..

If a man reject a path for a particular season, he can’t be blessed or bless that season, because whatever made him reject that life made him understand that he has no future in that path for that season.

At that moment he is irrelevant; someone would ask can't we keep him/her to the season where they can be needed?

The answer is this; can you store garbage in the same room you sleep, though knowing it would be used as manure later?

 God bless us all….

As many with relevant questions, do well to share.

I will be giving Answers to fill the gaps


  1. Akintomi Emmanuel1:39 AM

    What of if it's a friend you know that this one is trusted and it has been proven on many occasions, should you still not trust him? Because when you don't trust people, there is a way you will be too monitoring of everything they do and when they notice this they will not be happy even though they are trustworthy. In this case, how should I walk with people who are not trusted In a way it won't be noticed?

    1. Gabriel1:46 AM

      This question is very important.

  2. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Thank You for sharing

  3. Gabriel1:40 AM


  4. Ifeyinwa1:42 AM

    Thank You for sharing

  5. Anonymous1:43 AM

    This message is very true. Friends of this days are not to be trusted at all. Thank You for sharing. Thank You Zion DC.

  6. Somtochukwu1:44 AM

    Hmm.... God deliver us from unfriendly Friends

  7. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Thank You Peaceshelf Online

  8. Ifeanyi1:47 AM

    Hmmm.... Powerful 🔥.

  9. Anonymous1:47 AM

    An eye opening Sermon

  10. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Listen and be wise

  11. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Who is Zion DC?

  12. Femi Balogun1:51 AM

    This is indeed a wonderful teaching. Enemies who destroy lives always come as friends so that they can be able to gather the necessary information for your destruction. Let's be wise.


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