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How To Win Battles


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 Scripture: Gen 12:1-2, 1 Samuel 17: 25

1.Leave the Circle of your past defeats and patterns(Mindset)

Gen 12:1-2

1 God told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you.

2 I'll make you a great nation and bless you. I'll make you famous; you'll be a blessing.

-Leaving your Father’s House isn’t physically but by mindset. Leave behind the past, the patterns of old that stagnated your life

When we speak of mindset, we are talking about how you see, think about yourself and the situation that surrounds you.

-Certain battles are won by mindset even before fighting; there are things that can’t happens to you.

- look, think beyond your Background, what God want to do with you, your background is too small to contain it.

- Don’t be ruled by the Battles around you, focus on winning. Until you believe winning is possible you can’t win Battle, instead of been battle conscious, it’s better to be winning conscious.

- You must have the mindset of a Conqueror to conquer Battles.

- A defected mindset can’t conquer any Battle even with all the available opportunities.

- Staying around a prison for too long, makes you think it has become your house, your environment controls your Faith for possibilities. 

- Operate above your environment, goodnews may not have happened to anyone doesn’t mean you can’t be the first it can happen to, You are that reason why it was happen now. It’s never about the happening from where you are coming from, it’s about the God I represent where You going to.

You can have marital breakthrough with a side Chick mentality.

- Until your mindset is altered, Changes can’t be activated.

- Discussing defeat in Battles is irrelevant, rather discuss victory in Advance, Battles rises to attract your attentions, and distract you from paying attention to your hope of Victories.

- Battles are won with God not outside God.

2. Provoke covenants by Prophetic Sacrifice 

Ps 50:5

-Go for a Priest with a speaking Altar, every priest has an Altar that shields people from Battles.

-Sacrifice validates or initiates Godly covenants and disarms evil Covenants. It takes Sacrifice to enforce the covenant in the life of a priest. (2kings 4:1)

-There are Battles that only response to Sacrifices. Sacrifices Activates the Promises upon our lives, (Gen 22:15-18).

God respects covenant by sacrifice, anytime a man sacrifice to a priest with covenants, he establishes extension to those covenants. 

(Matt 10:41)

41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward.


Sacrifice is not in the substance offered but in the value and sincerity of what is offered. The weight of sacrifice is it’s precious value to you.

 -Every capital Priest functions by a capital Altar, and every capital Altar is responsible for winning capital Battles.

That situation you are facing demands a capital sacrifice to end.

The strength of an Altar is weigh by the battles it has won. Any Altar that haven’t won battles can’t win your battles, there must be a track records of Battles won.

Sacrifice is a prove of Loyalty to the Altar you submit to.

So understand that sacrifice is the relationship between you and the God of your priest.

May my God end stubborn Battles in your lives in the name of Jesus 

ZionDC Teachings God bless you.

Join Priestly Addicts Ministries WhatsApp Group today and be part of What God is doing there. I see you excelling in all your endeavors. God bless 

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  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Share with us how this Teaching blessed your life! God bless us all.


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