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Go For Light Daily


Take note of this scripture, the dimension of God contained in a scriptural context describes the possibility that can be accessed…

You can’t access the dimension of Fatherhood in God from a revelation of his dimension as Priest.

So if possibilities of a thing must be accessed it must be through the cocoon of that revelation that sponsors such dimensions.

Lets dwell on this scripture briefly..

James 1: 17
17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights,  with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Lesson one;
Now note that For there to be perfect gifts, the imperfect is also available, it means that not every gift is from God, that it’s a precious gift doesn’t mean it came from God, satan also gifts men with supernatural dimensions not of God.

but on the conditions of Scriptures, if it must be perfect (divine) and good then it must be from God(Source of divinity)…

Lesson two;
The dimension of God responsible to gift men is his fatherly dimension, so if we must obtain certain perfect gifts from God, his fatherhood must be engaged, seeking spiritual Gift from his dimension as Priest is an aberration of understanding of his nature. As a priest God doesn’t gifts men( this is a message for another time).

Lesson 3:
We gained access to His dimension as Father, and discovered that in his dimensions as Father, Light( knowledge) is the organ(Frequency) in His Fatherhood that sponsors perfect giftings.

So it’s not a Father to minister transaction, rather a Father to Son transaction, only Sons are Gifted, and must be used to function in the office of sonship. (this is deeper that you can imagine),

So for men to gain access to perfect gifts from God, they have to travel to his dimension as Father of Knowledge(Revelations).

So understand that men obtains perfect gifts Spiritual and Physical on the bases of Revelation from Light.

What you can’t understand, you can’t handle, what you can’t handle can’t be handed to you. in the divine the capacity of men to handle what they seek in prayers are weighed on the balance of revelation of that thing the seek.

If your spiritual frequency are found without enough revelation of what you seek, it can’t be given to you.

What men calls answered prayers are perfect giftings from the Lord.

That’s why when a Lady seek for marital settlement in the outer court of prayers, before she receives access to the Holies of Holies( a point in the divine where men receives), her motives and revelations of that which she seeks are weighed, if she doesn’t sustain enough revelation to propel that possibility, she is sent back awaiting the season of her spiritual maturity to handle what she seeks.

Understand that in the divine gifts are not handed to men because they have needs of it, or because time and season validate that possibility, neither is it by verbal utterance, no, what proves a man is qualified to handle divine(perfect)gifts Is the Light he has sustained as regards that Gifts…

So many feels a demon somewhere is the cause of their limitation, never, you have being limited by the content of revelation needed to wheel that possibility you seek.

Go for Light, for any gift to be perfect it’s divine, only divinity can give perfect gifts.
When you need a thing, first feed on the light dimensions that sponsors such reality.

I have license to access to strange revelations from scriptures when I became extremely passionate for deep light, as I study they are Logos, but they access me as light, that light gives life to all around me.

I have come to think like a goD, my environment is Light.

So any day I stray from knowledge, it means my environment gets disvalued.

You can be in the time and season and yet not receive, because you don’t sustain adequate revelations to sustain the manifestation of that prophecy.

Go for Light daily.

*ZionDC Teachings.*
God bless you.


  1. Thanks for sharing

  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I love the new upgrade of the site.


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